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BigCommerce Local Delivery: The Ultimate Guide for Online Retailers

man holding a box to signify bigcommerce local delivery

Written by Noreen

August 10, 2023

Customer experience has taken center stage in the marketplace, and one of the key factors that can make or break this experience is the delivery process. A seamless, efficient, and personalized delivery can not only satisfy the customer but also build lasting loyalty. 

And this is where BigCommerce local delivery shines. It provides an unmatched tool for managing and optimizing local deliveries in online retail.

BigCommerce Local Delivery: Transforming Local E-Commerce

The ability to manage local deliveries efficiently is a game-changer for e-commerce business owners. BigCommerce local delivery offers a broad range of functionalities that make this possible. 

As a business owner of an e-commerce store, you have the flexibility to set up localized delivery zones, customize delivery charges based on geographical locations, and tailor delivery options to suit your operational needs and customer preferences.

The benefits of this feature are twofold. For customers, it means a more personalized shopping experience and the convenience of fast local delivery.

For retailers, it offers the chance to streamline operations, manage resources efficiently, and tap into the potential of the local customer base. This tailored approach to delivery can result in increased customer satisfaction, which will lead, over time, to a strong, loyal customer base.

Creating Unforgettable Customer Experiences

However, the beauty of BigCommerce local delivery goes beyond its operational benefits. It’s a tool that helps you create memorable customer experiences. Keep in mind that every interaction a customer has with your brand, from browsing products online to the final delivery, shapes their overall impression of your business.

By offering local delivery options, providing precise delivery timelines, and giving real-time updates, you can significantly enhance the customer’s shopping journey. Moreover, the ability to offer personalized delivery options based on a customer’s location makes them feel valued and understood.

In the marketplace online where competition is fierce, focusing on such details can set your brand apart and give you a significant edge.

Streamlining Multiple Locations with BigCommerce

BigCommerce local delivery not only allows you to manage deliveries in a single location but also extends its functionality to multiple locations. Whether your online store has different pick-up locations or you deliver across various regions, this feature lets you manage all in one place.

You can set delivery dates and times based on postal codes, manage inventory across locations, and even allow multiple deliveries and pickups according to specific zones. This multi-location functionality is a boon for online retailers with a widespread operational footprint.

Boosting Your Delivery Operations with eLocal

While BigCommerce local delivery is a robust feature on its own, integrating it with Epic’s eLocal, a comprehensive app we designed for local delivery and pickup management, can catapult your online retail business to new heights.

With eLocal, you get an even wider range of features to control and optimize your local deliveries and pickups. 

The app allows you to manage local zones, set delivery dates, and control inventory for local delivery. It gives you the power to customize your checkout experience, manage inventory, and even add a preparation time frame for your products. 

From setting minimum purchase amounts for checkout to adding a countdown timer to encourage faster purchasing decisions, eLocal gives you the reins to your delivery operations.

Creating seasonal windows with eLocal

eLocal further enhances the functionality of BigCommerce local delivery by allowing you to set seasonal windows or specify dates when you will or won’t allow delivery, pick up, or shipping. This can be particularly useful during holiday seasons, special occasions, or any time you expect a surge in orders.

Customizing delivery: A hands-on approach

With eLocal, you’re empowered with an array of features that enable you to manage your delivery process meticulously. Want to set a minimum purchase amount for checkout? No problem. And if you’re interested in managing your inventory with real-time updates, eLocal has got you covered.

This hands-on approach, powered by BigCommerce local delivery and eLocal, puts you in control of your operations. You can adapt to customer needs, seasonal demands, and market trends. 

And the best part? All this can be done without overwhelming your operations or compromising the quality of your delivery service.

Epic: Your Partner in Maximizing BigCommerce Local Delivery

The journey of optimizing BigCommerce local delivery doesn’t have to be a solo venture. With a partner like Epic, setting up and maximizing BigCommerce local delivery for your store becomes a seamless process. 

Epic takes the time to understand your unique business requirements and then delivers solutions designed to drive success. Whether you need help setting up local delivery zones, configuring checkout options, or establishing inventory management controls, we are here to guide you through every step.

Are you prepared to elevate your online retail business? By harnessing the power of BigCommerce local delivery and leveraging the advanced features of eLocal, you can transform your delivery process into a powerful tool for business growth. Reach out to us today and set your online retail store on the path to success.

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